Friday, April 25, 2008
Canada Goose Study
I was sketching at the Denver Zoo this week and was amazed at how the zoo has been taken over by Canada Geese. They were everywhere. They are nesting on top of the rock habitats for the Dall Sheep and the Bighorn Sheep. They have taken over all of the plant islands in the walkways. I started to sit down on a bench and found them tucked under the bench. A little boy was all excited. "Look, Miss, an egg!" Yes, lying right in the middle of the walkway was a large goose egg. When I set up my stool and started working, geese came running towards me honking like crazy. It turned out that it wasn't me they were after. Something else had made them angry. I was relieved because I have been attacked by a goose. So instead of drawing and painting the "exotic" animals, I had to sketch the geese.